February 25, 2006

Xbox.com | Xbox 360 - Original Xbox Games on Xbox 360

Xbox.com | Xbox 360 - Original Xbox Games on Xbox 360

a link for me so i don't have to Google for it all the time

Hopefully there will be more on this list soon!

Waterfall 2006 - International Conference on Sequential Development

Waterfall 2006 - International Conference on Sequential Development

A coworker (PeteS) forwarded this through our technical email list and it was too funny not to post :)

My favorite is wordUnit

hope to see y'all there! :)


February 15, 2006

A good, good day

It was a good, good day today.

I (re)started at Magenic Technologies on 2/6/2006 and am very happy to be back! Lots of friendly faces that I knew from before, and lots of friendly new faces as well!

1. I became billable again this afternoon for a client in downtown Minneapolis. I will be building web services (ASMX & WSE 2.0 currently) in an SO environment. The project is really cool and is a great fit for me. Plus, there is just something cool about working downtown Minneapolis!

2. I got an XBOX 360 today, which is perfect timing as I sent my old XBOX in for repairs (DVD drive failing; can't read discs anymore). The new dashboard is cool and the wireless controller is very nice. I don't have any games yet (the only backwards compatible game I have is Namco Museum). I downloaded Gauntlet (yes, the Atari game circa 1985) to play which was quite nostalgic! :) I'm looking forward to picking up another controller and perhaps a few games for the new console so I can make better use of the hardware than playing 21 year old coin-op games like Gauntlet, heh heh...

see you online!
jk (snk13)