July 15, 2005

They Write the Right Stuff

This is one of my personal favorites...

This is not a case for agile development, but definitely a case for applying more science and discipline to the development process.

They Write the Right Stuff


-- "Software may power the post-industrial world, but the creation of software remains a pre-industrial trade. According to SEI's studies, nearly 70% of software organizations are stuck in the first two levels of SEI's scale of sophistication: chaos, and slightly better than chaos. "

-- Software for Grown-Ups
"Shipping hell continued today. Grind, grind, grind. We'll never make it. Have I said that already? Why do we always underestimate our shipping schedules? I just don't understand. In at 9:30 AM; out at 11:30 PM Dominos for dinner. And three diet Cokes."

-- "squeezing too much heroic code writing into too little time..."

Only 3 diet cokes, what lightweights. I'm in for 3 diet cokes by 10am; not necessarily a good thing, but true nonetheless............



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